Italy vs. Chinese countries: beware of scams!

After numerous evaluations, negative opinions and reports of scams on Chinese products, the Italian Trade Commission in Shanghai warns Italian companies from the traps of alleged Chinese entrepreneurs: advance purchases, travel and commercial recordings of web domains that are increasingly only broken promises!

Haste is a bad counselor for Italian companies investing in China. The warning comes by ICE that warns our entrepreneurs engaged in business with the Chinese giant. Scams, fraud, deception, shoddy goods, shell companies, shipping never match: pay attention to window dressing, often traps harmful to your wallet! In order to avoid alleged unscrupulous Chinese entrepreneurs, ICE has made strict claims and has compiled a set of guidelines with greater risks to be faced in import-export trade with Beijing.

China, remembers the Ice, is a business partner that is generally reliable, as evidenced by the growing volume of trade with the rest of the world. Fraudulent practices constitute a minority of the total of trade and foreign business, but you need to keep your eyes open. The problems often arise from the rush and the lack of knowledge of China’s of China, remaining flattered by profitable proposals, competitive prices and suspicious requests, sometimes disguised as business deals (not to be missed).

So what to do?Egointernational Group company, leader in the import / export field for 13 years, says that the golden rule is always to check the existence and reliability of the Chinese side, as well as the validity of the proposed conditions (duties, taxes, contract). The ICE of Beijing offers free advice for companies who want to start making exports within the Asian country. We must be wary, above all, to requests for advance payments on the internet, for example, with bank transfers, for trials, demos, samples and free samples. It may happen that the goods purchased never get to your destination, no tracking of the Chinese supplier and therefore to recover the money.

A very common trap regards trade missions, disguised as necessary to close a sale. The physical presence of both the players involved in the deal, it is absolutely necessary to put pen to paper. In fact, just be practical on the web and / or enroll in some e-commerce marketplace sector and the game is over!

The web is a breeding ground for “telematics hideaways”, online scams to distracted companies. There are companies who peddle fake registrations of Internet domains, by paying a few hundred euros, arguing that this procedure is necessary to create a site with the name of its brand. Pay attention to purchases which destined to European markets: it is good to check the goods on site before shipment, in order not to be produced with no mandatory certification in European countries and so now unsaleable.

To avoid scams and damage to the company you should check well: the identity of the Chinese partner, the presence of import-export certificate, the payment methods that must be safe and the timing of the arrival of the goods.